Opening Doors to a Secure Future

American Cyber Careers (AmCC) in coordination with Brookdale Continuing Education, is offering the Cyber Security Support Technician Apprenticeship Program.

Employers may be eligible to receive Wage and RTI (Related Technical Instruction) reimbursement for participating in this program*

Apprenticeship Program Enrollment process:

1.New Jersey Employers choose their employee to be their candidate for the AmCC_Brookdale Apprenticeship Program.

2. Choose two, three or four courses below for the candidate to complete within 12-14 months

  • Comptia Network Plus
  • Comptia Security Plus
  • Comptia Linux Plus
  • Comptia PenTest Plus
  • Comptia CySA Plus
  • Comptia CASP Plus
  • EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker v10
  • Microsoft Server 2016 Network Services 70-741
  • Microsoft Server 2016 Active Directory 70-742
  • Cisco CCNA 200-3103.

3. Complete a 30 minute consultation with the Grant Provider

4. Commit to the 12 month Apprenticeship Program

5. Within three months employer receives OTJ Training Reimbursement up to $2000

6. Within six months employer receives RTI Reimbursement up to $2000

7. At the end of the apprenticeship program, employer has IT employee with cyber security skills, enhanced professional skills and communication skills

8. The US is a safer place with an additional Cyber Security Professional

For more information contact:

Candidate requirements of the AmCC Apprenticeship Program:
  • A+ Certification or two years of IT experience
  • Employed for at least 30 days
  • Have a high school degree or a GED
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be employed in New Jersey
  • Paid at least $15.00 per hour and work full time

Employer requirements of the AmCC Apprenticeship Program:

  • Employer assigns one candidate to one mentor.
  • Employer provides 2000 hours of On-The-Job training for candidate
  • Employer’s mentor confirms skills of candidate Related Technical Instruction

New Jersey Businesses

Cyber Security Professionals are not created in a boot camp. Years of training, certifications confirming knowledge and skills produce today’s experts. The need to train up existing IT Professionals to Cyber Security Professionals is necessary for every organization. This 12-14 month program produces an employee able to meet the needs of  numerous job titles including Security Analyst, Vulnerability Analyst, Risk Assessor, Penetration Tester, Network Administrators, etc.

* Employers to complete 30 minute qualification conference, submit application and agree to terms of Apprenticeship Program

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